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Kamala Harris and the 2024 Election

July 2024

As of July 24, Vice President Kamala Harris is the likely Democratic nominee.  Her 2024 solar return, which starts two weeks before the election, is encouraging, primarily due to three elements: first, the solar return Moon conjoins solar return Jupiter; second, solar return Uranus is angular on the western horizon conjoined to natal Jupiter; and three, transiting Venus will be sandwiched between the solar Moon-Jupiter conjunction on election day. All of those are distinctly lucky, although the angles of her solar return at Washington, the prize in question, will have been directed well beyond the Uranus-natal Jupiter combination and will not be close to the Moon-Jupiter conjunction of the solar return on election day. The issue then is whether those three excellent factors are enough to overcome transits that incline in the opposite direction.

When the polls close in California on November 5th, 2024 (8:00 pm PST- 11:00 pm EST), transiting Mars will be 2° 01' beyond the T square to Kamala's radix Sun and 2° 10' beyond the T square to Kamala's radix Moon. Transiting Pluto will be 1° 09' beyond the T square to her radix Sun and 1° 18' beyond the T square to her radix Moon. Therefore, the transiting Mars/Pluto opposition will complete a grand square to her lights. That could be good for a warrior, but the combination is extremely harsh and requires the presence of a prominent transiting Jupiter to manifest as victory. In view of that, one must note the position of transiting Saturn on election night, which will be 0° 52' from the sesquiquadrate to her radix Sun; simultaneously transiting Saturn will be separating from her radix Moon 0° 43' beyond the exact semi-square. In order to dismiss the grand square contacts to both lights and Saturn’s contacts with both lights, one must say in effect that separating aspects are ineffective, no matter how close. That idea runs counter to my observation of the affect of natal separating aspects: applying is stronger but separating is not inconsequential. In sum, simultaneous close transits to both lights from Mars, Saturn and Pluto constitute formidable opposition to one’s ambition.

What is more, transiting Neptune is applying to the sesquiquadrate to Harris’s sidereal solar return Mercury only 0° 18' from exact when the polls close on election night. Because Neptune is on the western side of the solar return, that suggests that she is the victim of some kind of election chicanery, rather than the perpetrator of it. Some of her votes may be thrown out, lost, miscounted or the delivery of mail-in votes deliberately delayed. Furthermore, transiting Saturn, also on the western side of the meridian of her solar return, will be applying to the trine of her solar return Mercury (0° 39' from exact on election night), which also underscores some kind of loss or difficulty especially since that Mercury is in the twelfth house of the solar return, which is often an arena where the best laid plans are waylaid. In addition, both Saturn and Neptune make sinister aspects to the solar return Mercury. That is, one wants a dexter relationship whereby the faster planet is east of the slower one to get the best out of a combination. The situation is reversed in a sinister aspect, as here, with Saturn and Neptune applying to the exact backward contacts with solar Mercury in the zodiac. I submit that nefarious forces will operate to negate some of her votes.

As if that were not enough, the ascendant of her sidereal solar return equated to the White House has 29° Libra 46' on the ascendant. That puts her natal Mars in 27° Cancer 03' close enough to the zenith of the solar return to represent an impediment or an opening for an opponent; and the solar return Mars itself at 29° Gemini 38' is very closely trine the ascendant by 0° 08'. One could say that the trine shows her fighting spirit and determination.  I say Mars is not rendered into sweetness and light due to a trine and requires Jupiter to overcome the trouble Mars frequently brings in its wake.

When considering the condition of that solar return Mars at 29° Libra 38' further, one sees that it is elevated over and closely sextile the radix Jupiter at 29° Aries 45' Rx., which is conjoined to the solar return descendant. One wants to see transiting Jupiter, or at least radix Jupiter, configured with natal Mars; and in particular, elevated over the Mars in order to win against odds. Here, solar return Mars is elevated over radix Jupiter. This situation is underscored and repeated by transiting Jupiter sextile the natal Mars, but again Mars is elevated over Jupiter, this time transiting Jupiter, which is retrograding away from natal Mars by more than 2° on election night, which is to say, moving away from being able to exercise power as well as not being associated with an angle.

Another compelling factor that provides a second look at a solar return is its converse, which is a return set up for the current age of the native but before the birth. Converse charts say something about the nature of time, namely that it’s not necessarily linear, but may spread out in waves from each moment. Converse returns and directions are as telling as the direct variety and should be included in an astrologer’s toolbox.

Kamala Harris was born in 1964 and turns sixty this year. The converse solar return for 1904 features the converse Saturn conjoined to the ascendant, which is significantly closer in mundo than it appears to be in longitude. The RAMC, or local sidereal time, of the converse solar return is 16h 08m 06s. Converse Saturn rises when the mid-heaven holds 16h 08m 12s. The difference, 6 seconds of time is 1/40 (one fortieth) of a degree of arc. Saturn rose after its ecliptic degree because on October 20, 1904, Saturn had more than 1° of south celestial latitude and more than 17° of south declination. The situation is reversed in the southern hemisphere, but in the northern hemisphere, a body below the equator and the ecliptic must rise after its ecliptic degree. Converse Saturn is therefore overwhelmingly angular at Washington D.C. in the converse solar return, loosely opposite her natal Mars (6° 07'), which is also angular on the cusp of the seventh house. That is symbolic of a bitter, high stakes struggle with Saturn stronger because it’s on a superior angle and dignified in its own sign. Her radix Mars is in its fall on an inferior angle.

In addition, the converse Mars is conjoined to Kamala’s natal Uranus (0° 37') as well as conjoined to her natal Pluto (2° 49'). Both of those are extreme, sudden and suggest being on the receiving end of blows.  She could find herself reeling.  In a manner similar to the sesquare and semi-square from Saturn to her lights in the direct solar return, converse Mars is semi-square her radix sun (0° 10') and all but exactly sesquare the natal moon (0° 01'). If she were not a politician, well-clothed, nourished and protected, I would expect with all of this going on that she would be in uniform, supplied with weapons and in the midst of combat.

It gets still more extreme: the converse Moon is opposed the converse Mars (5° 09') in ecliptic longitude, but it’s again closer in mundo. For the static converse solar return, Mars sets bodily—that is, actually—when the mid-heaven holds 17h 22m 28s of sidereal time; 5m 44s later, which is less than 1 and 1/2° of arc, the Moon rises bodily in mundo with 17h 28m 12s.  Moon-Mars is aggressive, courageous, and willing to fight against odds, but Mars in the converse chart is above the horizon and the Moon is below. One wants to see the lights and the benefics elevated over the malefics, especially in a fight. That Kamala gets the worst of it is shown by converse Pluto, which appears at the IC with 5h 25m 30s, i.e., when 17h 25m 30s is in the M.C., which is 2m 42s (slightly more than ½° of arc) from the exact mundo square to the converse Moon and 3m 02s (3/4° of arc) from the converse Mars. In other words there is a tight T square in mundo between the rising converse Moon, the setting converse Mars and converse Pluto in the meridian, a relationship that does not exist in eclipto because the Moon-Pluto square is almost ten degrees wide. The T square in equatorial coordinates plus dead angular Saturn is a knockout blow. 

The reason behind it is less obvious. The clue that the situation is being manipulated from behind the scenes, relates, as one might suspect, to converse Neptune, which is mundane square the converse Moon. They are trine, but separating by 8° 47' which is exceedingly weak. Yet the converse Moon, which culminated with a sidereal time of 23h 11m 48s, is applying to the mundo square with Neptune that rose when the mid-heaven held 23h 18m 26s. That difference is 6m 38s, which is slightly more than 1 and ½ degrees of arc. Moon-Neptune, in view of the devastating T square just mentioned, suggests some kind of hustle: a deceit card played by an opponent, which considering the opponent, should not come as a surprise. The confirmation, in my opinion, is the exact to the minute semi-square between converse Neptune at 14° Gemini 45' and Harris’s natal Jupiter at 29° Aries 45'. She may be cheated because the Trump campaign makes no secret of installing their partisans in polling places and vote tabulation facilities. If Harris contests just such a thing, it will likely be dismissed out of hand by the Supreme Court, which has already demonstrated extreme bias by granting Trump immunity for potentially criminal acts. Transiting Jupiter to the natal Neptune brings a greater return on investment than expected and may even represent unearned benefits. The reverse obtains, however, when transiting Neptune (in this case converse Neptune) configures the natal Jupiter.  That contact hurts one’s reputation, tarnishes and may ruin one’s triumphs and damage one’s resources.

The 2024 election will be long remembered as similar to the election in 2000, when the Supreme Court stopped the voting in Florida, but the majority in the country will become embittered by this latest miscarriage of justice and powerfully determined to not let it happen again in 2028. On election day, November 5, 2024, transiting Mars at 5° Cancer 34' (at 11:00 pm EST), will conjoin the Declaration of Independence* natal Mercury at 2° Cancer 40' Rx and oppose both the U.S. natal Pluto at 5° Capricorn 56' and transiting Pluto at 4° Capricorn 42'. That is a powder keg and symbolic of violence over an election that would return us to monarchical status. The central feature of the Declaration of Independence is the Mercury-Pluto opposition, which says in effect, “We would have no king.”  It’s not just a repudiation of British authority.  It establishes a plebian state, a democratic state (from the Greek, δημος [demos], i.e., the people) which is now in jeopardy. Are we not Greeks?

The charts below include her sidereal natal, solar return and converse solar return.

*Declaration of Independence. July 4, 1776 at 12:12 pm LAT (12:16 pm LMT) at Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

© Kenneth Bowser, 2024. All rights reserved.

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© Kenneth Bowser, 2013-2025


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